Wednesday, November 12, 2014


I thought I understood betrayal;
Interesting... #yourlife #youseeit #yougotthekeystoit #youwillunderstand #followers #knife #back #trust? #betrayal #mylife #myview #life #deephypocrisy;
Then I grew up.

Life betrayed me that day.

Life stopped going the way I always imagined it would. It's life's fault I feel this way, not mine.
Life took away my love.
Life took away my home.
Life took away my security.
Life took away my clarity.
Life took away my god.

How can I possibly trust again?
Men deceive,
business is fraudulent,
home abandons,
friends let down,
meds withdraw,
and religion is a hypocrite.
Meg Duguid & Catie Olson Pie Splat at Fifty50 590Life betrayed me.

How dare Life not Live up to my grandiose, pies-in-the-sky, rainbows-and-unicorns expectations? Pies make a mess when they fall from so high in the sky.

Betrayal has left me bitter and begging for a breath of blissfulness in which my brain can bathe.

I did this to myself. Does that mean I can fix it?


Monday, November 10, 2014


Things you should not, I said NOT, say to someone with an anxiety or major depressive disorder:

1. Man up.
2. Grow a pair.
3. It's in your head.
4. You just need more sun.
5. You're a hypochondriac.
6. Your emotions are so unpredictable. (No kidding - try being the one experiencing them.)
7. You're always sick.
8. Buck up.
9. Drama queen.
10. You're being a baby.

Unless you've experienced depression or anxiety so bad you've considered killing yourself;

Unless you've gone through the pain of getting on an antidepressant (or 5);

Unless you've experienced the numbness that feels like such a relief at first, but then turns into a yearning to feel again;

Unless you've tried to get off of an antidepressant and experienced true chemical dependence withdrawal;

Unless you've been unable to get out of bed for days because it hurts too much;

Unless your behavior has caused you to lose the people who were once closest to you;


Then shut the fuck up and mind your own business.

Here I Hide

Sunday, November 9, 2014


I'm back.

MONO Lessons (Part XXII: 440-463)

Meditatively Obtained, Novel, and Observational (MONO) Lessons

440. Spring finals are the absolute worst.

441. I don’t understand the whole superhero comic book thing.  Especially Thor.  Thor is a Nordic god…not a comic book character…

442. Chris Evans must be an actual superhero since he has played The Human Torch and will be playing Captain America…the hero with the lamest name ever.

443. The Avengers are:  The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man (whatever that is), Thor, and Captain America.

444. Need to Know on PBS is simply outstanding journalism.  I highly recommend it.  Oh, and donate!  ;-)

445. Allegra is a non-drowsy lifesaver.  Now also available in generic form from your local grocery store knock-off brand!  Yay!

446. Some things never change.

447. Facebook ads…holy crap.

448. Apparently, people have pornographic slides.  Yes, I said slides.

449. Divorce isn’t a bad thing.  It just gets a bad rap.

450. I can easily use a video game analogy to explain my ideas correlating physics, spirituality, and a “higher power.”

451. RENT four times can be rather emotional; especially during a highly emotional time in your personal life.

452. Lesson #157 stated “I’m not ‘RENT’ gay.”  Correction, I am “RENT” gay.

453. Jagged Little Pill would make a great musical.

454. The Matrix is why I freed my mind.

455. Kaboom.  That is all.

456. I prefer having the world end at the end of apocalyptic-like movies.  Especially if aliens are involved.

457. Abercrombie & Fitch models feel nice.

458. I refuse to watch Criminal Minds because I can’t take Greg, yes, from Dharma & Greg, seriously.  And he’s missing Dharma…

459. Sexuality, gender, and sex are all amazing things and deserve more conversational attention.  Taboo is destroyed by conversation.

460. Depression and anxiety are rampant.

461. Depression and anxiety are rampant among gays.

462. Judy McLane is a sweetheart.

463. Being a gay teenager still sucks, unfortunately.  But at least it’s slightly less dangerous…