Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Men's Wearhouse Commercial

I'm a complete cheese ball. I love this commercial. I remember this started airing soon after my brother's wedding, so the context is probably what made it so "special" to me. Enjoy.

"But when everyone is looking at her, she'll be looking at you." Awww...!!!


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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

An Ode to Fog

An Ode to Fog
You are:
So mysterious
So moist
So humidifying
So refreshing
So chilling
So obscuring
So swathing
So stirring
So romantic
So zombie-filled
So enveloping
So brief
So tranquil
So surprising
So quiet
So still
So fleeting
So unbelievably beautiful

Our lovely, blanketed valley

Tree Fog Shadows

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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Mono Lessons (Part VII: 121-140)

You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll thank God you don't have mono.

121. I’m picky.

122. I can pop 34 individual joints plus my neck and back. Ha.

123. My multi-vitamin doesn’t have potassium in it.

124. Some things need my attention more than others.

125. Gay marriage might not be the best solution… Didn’t think I’d say that, did ya?

126. Patience: I don’t have a lot…so I’ve sure had a lot to gain.

127. Downtown Denny’s has a VERY different crowd than our local Cottonwood Heights Denny’s at 1am.

128. This place is full of f***heads. Pardon me.

129. I give SLCC a lot of (somewhat undeserved) crap. However, there does exist an even less respectable school to attend. I’ll refrain from naming it right now…. Care to guess what it is? No, not BYU....

130. A fast-dripping IV creates one of the strangest internal sensations I’ve ever felt.

131. When 4 people are tag teaming you in an ER room, it’s easier to ignore the fact that at least five vials of blood are being drawn from your arm.

132. December 14, 2009 at approximately 10:15pm: the exact moment I forgave Michael and myself for everything regarding that experience...and then some. Took me 2.5 years. Yes!!!

133. Even if I’m not proud of my past, I need to take responsibility and ownership of it. It makes me who I am today.

134. “Reparative” therapy may not be the devil’s work as I once thought. My own attempt at self-“reparative” therapy was anything but fun and/or successful, but again, the experience helped make me the secure person I am today. How can I deny someone that experience?

135. My reaction to “reparative” therapy is like that of a parent watching their child go through an experience they wish they didn’t have to watch. The kind of experience the parent wishes their child could learn without having to actually experience the experience. But unfortunately, most people only truly learn what they need to by going through those intense experiences.

136. Forgiveness is one of the hardest tasks to accomplish. It is also one of the most relieving and worthwhile things to accomplish.

137. Forgiveness can take for.e.ver.

138. You definitely can’t always trust your doctor. Question everything.

139. The changes I have been waiting for are actually happening. I don’t like it.

140. A certain someone is more than incompetent, they’re an a**hole too.


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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

"Incomplete" by Alanis Morissette

I have arrived at a point in my life where I can say I have a favorite song. It's seriously my absolute favorite song. It's called "Incomplete," it's by Alanis Morissette, and it's on her album titled Flavors of Entanglement (I recommend the Deluxe Edition, but here's the standard version too). Here, Alanis explains the thoughts behind her phenomenal song:

Here is the song with lyrics provided below, followed by some thoughts from me.

"Incomplete" - Alanis Morissette

One day I'll find relief
I'll be arrived
And I'll be a friend to my friends who know how to be friends
One day I'll be at peace
I'll be enlightened and I'll be married with children and maybe adopt
One day I will be healed
I will gather my wounds forge the end of tragic comedy

I have been running so sweaty my whole life
Urgent for a finish line
And I have been missing the rapture this whole time of being forever incomplete

One day my mind will retreat
And I'll know God
And I'll be constantly one with her night dusk and day
One day I'll be secure
Like the women I see on their thirtieth anniversaries

I have been running so sweaty my whole life
Urgent for a finish line
And I have been missing the rapture this whole time of being forever incomplete

Ever unfolding
Ever expanding
Ever adventurous
And torturous
But never done

One day I will speak freely
I'll be less afraid
And measured outside of my poems and lyrics and art
One day I will be faith-filled
I'll be trusting and spacious, authentic and grounded and home

I have been running so sweaty my whole life
Urgent for a finish line
And I have been missing the rapture this whole time of being forever incomplete

Rapture: An intense feeling of pleasure or joy.

Rapture is the key to this song and everything it's about. "And I have been missing the rapture this whole time of being forever incomplete." There is so much pleasure and joy to be found in knowing I'm not perfect and I'm not even supposed to be perfect. The rapture is found in my journey. And it's not found by looking at my past; it's not found by imagining my possible future - imagining a finish line...  Rapture is simply found in personal growth.

The rapture is found here. Now. Right this very moment.

Live it. Love it. Feel it!


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Monday, March 1, 2010

21 Years Worth of Gluten

I'm 21 today.

            What does that mean?

Renewing driver license.
A new driver license picture.
One year closer to getting own insurance.
Andrew Legend is 19 and somehow still running...for now.
No cake or pie. They all have gluten and/or dairy in them.
21+ concert venues and no missing Missy, Pat, or LeAnn any more.
5 leap-days have made my birthday feel one day late.
Only one other person exists with this same birthday.
(Happy birthday to her!)
Checking in to any hotel.
21 years worth of gluten.
Gambling tuition money away.
One year closer to renting a car.
Most of that 21st year was spent ill.
Could have been legally smoking for 2 years.
Could have been getting back from my mission soon. Ha.
Now an adult. Whatever the hell that means.
2.5 years left of undergraduateness.
March 1st has yet again snuck up on us all.
February is still shorter than all the other months.
Escaped from high school 3 years ago.
"Jase" was renounced 13 years ago.
All that is birthday cash.
Regular multivitamin and supplement schedule.
Legal porn viewing in all 50 states.
No longer in the limbo of 20.

13 years of being LeAnn's #1 fan.
5 LeAnn Rimes concerts...ready for 50 more.
6 down, 1 to go.  Alanis...come on.  I'm waiting.
"Out" (whatever that means) for 3 years and 3 months.  Wow.
Lucky number 7's chance has officially arrived.
A consistent pattern of facial hair can be kept.
I get to read my seminary letters.
Adult, horizontally oriented driver license.

Oh yeah...

  And I guess I can now legally drink, huh?


Jason - Happy Birfday to me.  :-)

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