I know many of you out there have been concerned about my health over the past few years, so I wanted to give you a summary and an update on what has been going on.
It all started back in the summer of 2009 when I had my first huge outbreak of mono. I discovered I in fact had mono 3 days before school started. It was a tough semester and I kept getting sicker.
I then got tested for food sensitivities. In short, I learned I am gluten intolerant as well as rather sensitive to dairy and eggs. I began a gluten-, dairy-, and egg-free diet in February of 2010 and I'm still going strong!
I started to feel a lot better as 2010 progressed, but then I passed a kidney stone the second week of fall semester.
This seemed to spark another set of symptoms - specifically nasal allergies. I got tested for mono again to see if I had a current infection...it came back negative. I did end up having a sinus infection, but I also got tested for pollen allergies. In short, I'm allergic to the majority of the Valley.
Then the motherload. Depression and anxiety. I have been taking prescription medication for my depression and anxiety for just over a year now. The side effects sometimes seem worse than the original symptoms.
After a long time of continuing to feel miserable, both physically and emotionally, a miracle happened to our family. His name is Dr. Stan Gardner.
I finally had a functional medicine doctor with a goal of helping his patients find alternatives to drugs and surgery. My treatment with him began with nutritional IV's to help reboot my immune system and an alternative allergy therapy he calls AllDeSen. Unfortunately, these treatments only reduced my symptoms by about 25%.
Dr. Gardner's "assistant", Caitlin, does most of the AllDeSen work. I put her title in quotation marks because she is actually his daughter. ;-) Caitlin is a sweetheart with magic fingers. Not only does she do AllDeSen, but she also does massage and a form of energy work called Jin Shin Jyutsu. I will talk more about my experiences with this at a later time, but I can tell you right now that I wish I had been getting massages long before now and I am also a believer in energy work.
I know many of you reading this have been dealing with health issues yourselves. I can empathize with you. Being sick for an extended period of time is torturous. It's still hard for me to believe I'm saying this, but ASEA has given me some hope!
Let me give a disclaimer: Yes, I am signed up with ASEA in a way that will allow me to eventually distribute the product if I believe in it. I am not in any way trying to push this on anybody. I just barely started it myself. Signing up as an ASEA Associate happened to be the most cost effective way for me to get going on the product. But I will say, if it makes me feel better, I want to share it with you all!
To learn more about ASEA, head to my personalized link and look through the informative videos. The videos explain the product way better than I can!
I will keep you updated on my progress as much as I possibly can. Please have it in your prayers that I can get healthy again! You are all also in mine!
Please feel free to contact me if you'd like to talk more about any of the stuff I've mentioned.
I love you all!