Alright, I can't take it any more.
Facebook fan page name: "I Will Personally Donate $00.001 to Haiti for Every Person That is a Fan"
Excuse me? 1/10 of a cent for every person? Don't get me wrong, I know this wonderfully charitable person was anticipating millions upon millions of people to become a "fan" of this page - hence the extremely low amount per fan. But as of January 26, 2010, there were 1,012 fans. That's a whopping $1.012. So in other words, one dollar and one cent. Pathetic. Why do I have so many friends joining this page?!
I'm not saying we should all be rushing to join these groups on Facebook so some stranger will donate 1/10 of a cent in our honor. I'm actually mocking that thought, if you couldn't tell. How about instead of joining this wonderfully pathetic group, you actually donate your own money to a reputable charity? Novel idea.
Have we become so self-centered that we think joining a Facebook fan page is going to save the world? Are we too removed to see the devastation? Is ignorance bliss? Are we too set on buying that new pair of shoes to bother giving $5 to the Red Cross?
I donated to the Red Cross through iTunes here. Pretty simple, huh? No excuses.
C'mon! Get real. You're worth more than 1/10 of a cent...and so are the Haitians.
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