Saturday, October 8, 2011

I Believe

"I believe for every drop of rain that falls, a flower grows...", no.  Don't worry.  I'm not going to start out with a cheesy LeAnn Rimes song.  No, what I want to talk about is all my traditionally sacrilegious beliefs.
Yep, you guessed it!  A list:
My Sacrilegious Articles of Faith
1.  I believe there are other intelligent beings in our universe that we may one day contact.
2.  I believe I will one day have my own planet. 
3.  I believe I can have spirit children with another man. 
4.  I believe Jesus Christ married Mary Magdalene. 
5.  I believe Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene had children with each other. 
6.  I believe the "Plan of Salvation" also fits for LGBT+ individuals. 
7.  I believe in an extent. 
8.  I believe LDS prophets are men, not divine beings speaking only truth. 
9.  I believe I have a Heavenly Father as well as a Heavenly Mother. 
10. I believe God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost are three separate and individual beings united in purpose. 
11. I believe polygamy should be legal - as well as any other type of polyamory. 
Me and my boyfriend
12. I believe I was gay in the pre-existence.
13. I believe I was born gay.
14. I believe I will be gay in the next life. 
15. I believe "being gay" is part of my soul. 
16. I believe a woman has the right to choose whether to carry her baby to full term or abort it. 
God...doing science
17. I believe in the powerful potential of stem cells and in fully funding stem cell research. 
18. I believe gender and sexuality are not solidified and constant. 
19. I believe God is the perfect scientist. 
20. I believe women can lead religious congregations. 
21. I believe.

Wooooo....I'm so liiiiiiiberrrrrrrallllllll!

Go ahead, un-follow me, defriend me, un... + me?  Or just comment - that's more fun for both of us anyway.

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  1. Just from this post, I already really really like you. I may have just been baptized Mormon but I wholeheartedly agree that the Plan of Salvation is for the LGBT+ and that woman should have a choice too. In fact, I agree with a lot of these (except replace the gay statements with "straight" and that's me... haha). I absolutely LOVE that you OWN who you are. That takes a strong person. Yeah... can we be friends? :)

  2. Mikael,

    Thank you so much for your kind comment. I apologize for taking so long to respond to you! I've been somewhat absent from the blog scene recently (school takes over my life each fall...). We live in an amazing and very strange time in Mormon history. I pray we all come out of it on the right side.

    And yes, we can definitely be friends! I did see you followed me on Twitter (I haven't lost track of that part of my social media life) and followed back. ;-)

    Thanks again,
