Sunday, March 20, 2011


I hate this word.
Not surprisingly, I also hate the word "faggot."
I'm actually cringing as I type these.
I'm not going to type it again.

In my world, this f word is like the n word.
...Only I don't allow other homos to use this word around/at me either.
It's not funny.

Some words have a tendency to carry as much baggage as a cargo jet.
This is one of those words.
No matter how lightheartedly it is used...
No matter how often it is used...
No matter how incorrectly it is used...
No matter who uses it...
Its intensity does not fade,
It's still derogatory,
It still hurts,
and it's still rude.

In fact, it's abusive.

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  1. Well said!

    As much as we'd like to convince ourselves, that is a particularly painful word that should never be used.

    Hopefully one day people will look back and wonder why anyone would ever use the words we do to describe each other.
